Friday, April 03, 2009

Puppy Update

t's been 3 months since I last took my adorable puppy's portrait! (right about the same time I got sick AND lost/misplaced my much-loved point and shoot camera...) So last week, almost exactly 8 months from the day she was born, I attempted to create more portraits of my precious Sofie. These are the two best from that brief session - I say 'brief' because, well, have YOU ever tried to take a formal photo of an Airedale?!! it ain't easy, lemme tell ya... I'm having the close-up shot printed as a 16" x 20" gallery wrap for my office! C'mon, admit it - ain't that the cutest face you've seen in a long time?!!

Wednesday, April 01, 2009

Happy April Fool's Day!

To honor this most under-appreciated day and because I've been working on my taxes for the last few days, I'm sharing one of my favorite cartoon strips from What the Duck? (check WTD out at!)